4lbs on :bawling: Hopefully that fact I'm so upset and annoyed will mean I can get back on track this week. Will have Fat Fighters curry tonight and tomorrow.
Although.... I've eaten chocolate all week, had that bacon sandwich on Friday, 2 ham sandwiches and a big meal and 1.5 bottles of wine Saturday night, then half a bottle of champagne, roast lamb and nibbly bits last night. So it's obvious why I've gained, it just pisses me off that I'm playing catch up this month.
I know it's my own fault. Will be going to the gym today, either on my own or with S, asked her to text me and let me know what she was planning. Sadly I've lost my phone, so I have no idea whats happening at the minute.
Alarm for work went off twice last night, false alarm both times.
Must get myself motivated, lots to do today, including a waitrose trip (again...). Must get OHs presents wrapped too. Got most of them done yesterday, just his mums to wrap for the 'not us' people. Cats were a major irritant, might lock them in the bathroom today lol.
So cross with myself. I feel guilty too....when the first alarm went off, I sent a text to everyone saying 'please please please dont put things on the bins when you bring in....They drop and it sets the alarm off. Thankfully it was now [6pm] and not 3am when I would have been REALLY cross lol! Well done for a great weekend though everyone, see you Tuesday' and got no response at all from 2 of them and a shitty one off the third. I did text round again pointing out I wasnt getting at anyone, and I was proud of everyone for the way they've worked this weekend, but still. We have asked them not to do it. Anyway, is all redundant cos it turns out that the alarm sensor isnt working. Fabulous. Can't find my phone though for a second apology :rolleyes:
Ah well, must shift the lardy arse. You know, do something...on my third day off and havent acheived anything.
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.