Tired, unmotivated and eating already. Havent weighed myself, dont dare lol. Really need to keep thinking about the online stuff but...so tired... The Hickstead Derby is on later, can't wait to see it. I may even go back to bed....
Entertained ideas of going to the gym for about 5 minutes, then decided against it and thought I might just use my pilates rowing thing, the bike, sit up machine and spinny thing (all of which I have ignored recently..) while watching the Derby. Then S texted and asked if I wanted to go to the yard & gym later. So I did. Lunged her horse for a bit (I havent lunged for over a year :eek: !!!) then off we went to Aireborough....Didnt do a full programme. Straight onto the x-trainer for 15 minutes on level 7, then some weights...I did the leg weights pushing in I did 50kg and pushing out I did 40kg, so might start doing them all the time, also did seated row, arm press and leg press, then onto the treadmill for another 15minutes. At least I went...!!
Got back in time for the highlights of the whole Derby meeting, so did washing up, hoovering etc and finished just in time to sit in front of the Derby with my lunch. Simple things...
Food: 1 big bowl crunchy nut cornflakes, 2 ham & pie d'angloys sandwiches, 1 muller healthy corners yoghurt, roast chicken, mashed potatoes, yorkshire puddings, green beans, carrots, gravy, cranberry sauce, orangey solero ice cream, 1 jam tart.
Exercise: Gym
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.