Only 1lb gone, so already way off my target of losing 3lbs a week :heehee: Oh well. Maybe I'll be thin by NEXT December. :rolleyes:
Was babysitting last night, hence being a day late blogging. I love babysitting those kids. They sit and play on the X-Box till we say bedtime, then they run upstairs, clean their teeth and go straight to bed. I was never that good.
Me and OHs sister are going shopping next Sunday - eek!! Never spent a huge amount of time together and never 'alone'! (Although I dunno if the kids will be coming with us...)
Bit of an update on Work Situation....Well. I don't know what to do now. Have been offered the online shop as MY baby, to set up, keep running, just run entirely.... It is an Opportunity and I suspect is linked to me telling Owner that what I was doing now was my first 'management' role. Payrise (almost, but not quite the Original Payrise apparently), bonuses over and above what everyone else gets if it does well, am to ignore M1 totally when he chunters about it (he's coming back on Monday) and go to M3 or Owner. I think I am officially being offered it on Friday. Oh, and I am being booked to do my AMTRA conversion exam on 10th September.
Food: half bag Planets, half bag buttons, some pepperami, ham/mozzerella/salad cream salad, quavers, yoghurt, 1 slice garlic bread, pasta and bolognese sauce, half a garlic ciabatta, 1 and a half rocky bars.
Exercise: Half hour cardio at the gym with S (10mins rower, 5mins sitdown bike, 5mins treadmill, 10mins cross trainer).
About Me
- FatBloater
- I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.