Friday, 20 April 2007

Another Tantrum

I have no idea whats up with me.... I am still having the most stupid irrational mood swings.

I'm still not entirely enthralled with the idea of these reviews....Apparently they're going to be next Friday now. Great - another week of waking up after dreaming about it. OH is coaching me through what I should say, but the way he puts it isn't what I want to say. He wants me to try and put a positive spin on things, which I can understand why, but....Whats positive about not having enough money to live (if I wasnt in the fortunate position of no rent/mortgage), feeling undervalued and taken for a bit of a fool?

I was REALLY looking forward to doing overtime on Sunday as its so rare I actually get any....N gets offered it first, then LovelyM, then the rest of the shop staff, then any of the three managers, as they can take a day off in lieu instead of being paid, and then, and only then, if none of them want it, am I offered it. It doesnt exactly make me want to help them out of tight situations, which I know is the wrong attitude, but...Oh, I dont know.

Then on top of that, the weight tantrum has kicked in. I am sick sick sick of being on that bastard bike. But I have semi made (another) decision.... I should just do 40 minutes EVERY DAY, whether I've been for a big long walk, or swimming, or whatever. 40 minutes is fairly do able.... Then I will be more inclined to do rowing/situps as well, which I havent done since my birthday.

Am also semi considering joining FatFighters and a gym, but its more money I don't have... I dont know :(

V&M moved to Milton Keynes today. Hope this one works out better for her. Last place was crazy :(

Food: 1 chocolate muffin, lots of minimini chocolate rolls, lots of minimini flapjacks, 1 pork & apple sandwich, 1 smoothie, 1 strawberry bun, pasta, cheese sause and sausages, garlic bread, apple pie, clotted cream.

Exercise: Big walk around Chevin - we were out about an hour and included lots of hills. Legs ache now! Also 10minutes on bike.

All these bad things. I know I shouldnt have them, yet I can't say no :(

About Me

I am FB *waves*. 27/F/UK. Fed up of being fat so have decided to make myself an online diary of how its going. Also probably featured within this here blog is my OH, my NeedyKitten and work, which is a petshop.